Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chapter I: One with the One

     I ran as fast as my physical body would allow, for it fought me every step of the way, ever since I accepted the choice to leave. I struggled to balance my body with my spirit from the moment of inception.  Thankfully I exercised my spirit enough to have the advantage in such a battle, thus I ran...leaving behind all things that meant nothing.  I dared not look back into the past that made it impossible for me to stay.  Suddenly, I stopped, not abruptly but softly and with deliberate conviction, I stopped.  I stopped in the place where I stood and I realized that I had finally arrived.  I arrived in the dead center of nowhere, yet everywhere that I needed to be. (Sigh) I took a deep and deliberate breath, breathing in the new air of my expanded vision.  I stood still, unmoved but moved by the path that led me this place within my own consciousness.  I collapsed to my knees in utter gratitude weeping silently and then loudly until my voice become a whisper.  Falling into a deep peaceful sleep, I rested beneath a tree that appeared out of place above the warm earth that welcomed my presence.  While I slept I dreamed of the journey that brought me here...

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