Monday, September 26, 2011


Because I do not typically write unless inspired to do so, this blook (blog-book) is evolving as I evolve and am able to grasp the story expressing through me. As such, I would like you to consider as you are reading that perhaps just as the process of this book, life is happening in reverse. Maybe our higher selves are retelling our story back to us and our lives are a collection of evidence of the participation in this story. In reading this blog I encourage you to begin to think more deeply about this life and your role in it. Ask yourself without judgement who you are and allow the answer to permeate through you. Truly engulf yourself in the question, but allow the answer to be said and heard within the deepest level of yourself, your true self and most of all remember to always breathe. I recently read that it is scientifically impossible to stress and breath deeply at the same time, whether this is true or not is inconsequential to the practice of deep breathing. When you breath, picture yourself inhaling white light and give yourself permission to exhale any old illusions of limitation and unforgiveness of yourself or others. I invite you to embark on this journey with me into the land of the unknown as it unfolds into the "always been." Now back to our regularly scheduled program...thank you.

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